<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

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...Beauty ProDucts

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  • October 2009
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    ...Lost in beauty

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    Wednesday, October 14, 2009

    Chapt 5 A New Beginning, B.ROSE GAKUEN

    Kurumi san allowed me to stay over for a night at the infirmary as she knew about the situation I am in and thought it was very dangerous for a young girl to be outside alone. Since she has work to do, she agreed to take care of me overnight because I am still weak and probably cannot protect myself if I was in any danger. That night, I really felt the love & concern when Kurumi san takes care of me and protects me from danger, like family.

    I was very grateful and slept well . The next day, a set of clothes was hanging down from the door. There was a note that told me that the clothes is actually a specially made uniform for me to wear to attend school . I was elated to know about the news about being able to attend school but disppointed knowing that I had no money I cannot accept the offer, I can't afford the fees.

    I wore the uniform, tied my hair using the ribbons that was with the uniform, dressed properly, I went to find Kurumi san to explain and reject the offer.

    When I found her, she was treating a wound for a injured boy. She looked at me, speechless,""KAWAII DESU, you are so cute Akumi! I am glad you like it." I did not know how to object her with all her hopes held high, I did not want her to be disappointed.

    After treating the wound, she told me that she explained to the principal about my situation and the principal pitied me so he accepted me, allowed me to stay at the dorm for students, attend lessons for free, meals and tution would be provided. Kurumi san added that the principal was looking forward to me attending school because I were the first girl in this school. They just became co-ed this year and there was no girl. He also hope that I can go along with the boys and hopefully, convinced some girls to attend our school. I knew I could not reject now or two people would be disappointed.


    BB! My Tragic Life!^^
    To Be CoNtInUeD...

    the beauty exposed ;

    Chapt 4 Grateful

    "Blink " I felt something soft and fluffy like a big bed. I remembered I was left with no place to stay, have not eaten for days and fainted. Then I felt something cold touch my forehead, when I open my eyes I saw a group of boys and a women.

    " Is she alright? I think she is awake!" said one of the boys. I did not know where I am.

    The women explained that I am now in a boys school which just turned co-ed this year. A group of boys found me in front of the school and brought me to the infirmary. She also said that she was the one who helped me change so I don't have to worry.

    I was changed into something simple shirt and pants. " Sorry to bother you, I have to go now. " I tried to get out of bed but I was unstable, had no strength to stand up and landed in a boy's arm. He carried me to on the bed.

    The women stop me from sitting up," You are still recovering and are still very weak, you should stay and wait till you are fully recovered. I will take care of you. I am Kurumi Chikaru. You can call me Kurumi San. "

    I tried to say I am fine, then my stomach growled. The women smiled, " Have you been skipping meals, you seem to have faint because of insufficient sleep and not eating . Here, one of the boys cooked for you some porridge and so, you have to finish everything."

    " Thank you! I am Akumi Cherry, call me Akumi Chan, actually I have not eaten or sleep for two days . My parents died, my dad owes a lot of money, the house installment is not paid therefore I was being told to leave. They were kind enough, they did not want me to pay because I was still young.. I had been roaming around searching for a place to settle down, that I was too tired and fainted. "I explained while eating.

    I felt GRATEFUL to them and smiled to them.

    BB! My Tragic Life!^^
    To Be CoNtInUeD...

    the beauty exposed ;

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    Chapt 3 Cherishing & Protecting

    Feeling guilty, I only took a few pieces of clothes, a set of uniform so I can resign from school, a pair of shoes and daily necessities. Holding on to my most precious treasure, a picture of parents with me, a once happy family. Now I know what it means by CHERISHING Your Close Ones, PROTECTING Them With All Your Strength Because Anything Can happened Anytime, Anywhere. Although I, myself, know it is too late, what's 'gone' cannot be taken back. Days passes as time runs, I had no money, no place to stay and I completely lost all hopes of being able to survive alone at age of 16. Roaming around with nothing to do but envy those who have perfect family, living happily innocent under a roof, sharing all happiness and sadness.

    ' Head feeling dizzy, unbearable pains at the stomach' I black out and landed on the floor.


    BB! My Tragic Life!^^
    To Be CoNtInUeD

    the beauty exposed ;

    Wednesday, October 7, 2009

    Chapt 2 Horrible Realisation & Choice

    I am Akumi Cherry, 16. My parents died of a car accident, I had no siblings so now I am alone. The second day after the terrible nightmare, when I was on the way home from school. I realised that there were a lot of distinguished dressed in suits officials. I was wondering what happened and thus, I went forward to ask.

    " Are you Akumi Cherry, the current owner of the house?"said one of the officials politely.

    "Yes, may I know what is happening?"I curiously asked.

    The officials that seems to the "highest" rank of the officials explained to me. The last few sentence was "You are too young to own a house, this house installment has not been paid. Since you are still a kid we won't charged you, but you better find a place to sleep, at least, for a girl like yourself." I knew I had to make a choice and I realised I am in a Horrible State.


    BB My tragic Life!^^
    To Be CoNtInUeD...

    the beauty exposed ;

    Title:BB My tragic life!^^

    CHARACTERS: Akumi Cherry
                                  Ichiru Kanou
                                  Ichirou Kanou
                                 Kurumi Chikaru


    My parents died of a car accident on their way to my ballet competition.It happened when I was at my studio, rehearsing my ballet cheography.When I received a call saying that my parents were delivered to the UNI Co. Hospital, heavily injured. I was scared that if I am not able to rush there in time I will lost the only chance to see them again. Without hesitation, I rushed over there taking a taxi. I was desperate, afraid and scared. Along the way there, I was already crying like a person who lost their only hope. By the time I reached the hospital entrance, I was worried and kept questioning myself,"What if they really leave me? What will I do? Dad owes a lot of money and...I will end up with nothing! Not even a place to stay!". Thinking about the consequences makes me, more scared than I already am. After I know which ward my parents are in, I race to my parents' wards. When I reached, I saw my parents' ward emergency alarm was on, then the reading became a single line, it was the worst nightmare I can ever imagine for me. My heart skip a beat and I broke down with tears streaming down my cheeks.I knew immediately my parents FAILED TO SURVIVE.

    To Be CoNtInUeD...

    the beauty exposed ;

    Monday, October 5, 2009

    My stories might change sometimes JUST IN CASE I think of something better.So YA...THXs LOTs for KEEPING up

    the beauty exposed ;

    To ppl, I love manga & anime especially love & ROMANCE!!!! Therefore I made this blog JUST for stories...may NOT keep UPDATING but I will COMPLETE the story! DON'T WORRY!!!
    HOPE you will enjoy it...try to COMMENT..>.< THXS lots...muaks(^.^)

    the beauty exposed ;